Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ProJect Group iS Canceled... TomOrrOw.

I know everyone was getting really excited for this months project!! But I am really sorry to have to cancel it due to my girls being sick and also for myself having a tuff first trimester.

Feel free if there are still a bunch of you still willing to go ahead and get together please be my guest. I don't want to have to ruin all the fun if someone else still wants to do it. The step by step directions on how to make the sugar eggs are on the post below. If you do want to wait ...I am planning to do the same Sugar Egg project for Thurs. April 9th.

Well on a more happy note...Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Jalei & Lane said...

No problem! I was just thinking that I'd probably just show up & watch. It seems like it might be easier to do it at our own homes since there's mixing & waiting hours involved. I hope you feel better!

The Rowes said...

That's totally fine with me. Derek will be crazy busy getting ready for a camp out the next morning. I thought the project looked so complicated and time consuming so I was planning on trying to finish my vinyal sign anyway. My vote is that we do another project for April. Hope your girls get better soon.

The Hickman Family said...

Hope you and the girls get better soon! It's a bummer that they're sick during spring break. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with!