Wednesday, May 27, 2009

InterchAngeable wReathS- JUne 18th

There has been a request to do a project on interchangeable wreaths. This way you can use one wreath for every Holiday and save on storage and money. The only thing that you would have to change up would be the decorations on the wreath. Here are a couple of Ideas for the 4Th of July. If you need decorations for another Holiday that's fine too! I was thinking we could all meet up at Hobby Lobby or Michael's and pick out what you needed as a change of pace or if you rather get all the materials ahead a time that's also fine. Please let me know what ya'll prefer.


WreaTh- in any style, shape or size that you want.

Decorations- For the Holiday that your decorating for ( find something that you don't have to use a glue gun with. For example- clothes pins, ribbon, material, and anything that you could attach with wire.)

WiRe- Not Green

If you have any questions please let me know and I hope that you have a wonderful week!


Jalei & Lane said...

Looks like I won't be in town for this time either! Don't worry, I'm not phasing myself out. I'll definitely be there in July!

The Rowes said...

I am just going to be annoying here.... is there any way that we can change project group to anonther night? Restaurant Group is meeting the same night and they are going to Fadi's. Fadi's is one of my favorite restaurants and I would hate to miss it. If you want to keep it the 11th, that's fine too. Maybe I can just figure out the wreaths by your directions. Let me know. Thanks so much, Jenny. I hope I'm not too annoying.

Crystal Stanworth said...

straw wreaths are 1/2 off this week at hobby lobby.

Crystal Stanworth said...

i'm good with changing it if everyone else wants to.