Thursday, January 22, 2009

WhaT ShOuLd our nEXt ProJEct Be?

I was thinking we could make Valentines Decor for our homes...Any Ideas? Please let me know by Monday so that we have plenty of time to get materials.

Thanks. Hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend.


The Rowes said...

Here's a really cute Valentine's sign we could make. I don't know if people want to make a sign as we just made one a few months ago. Jenny mentioned to me about making a project with foam and glitter and maybe we could incorporate the ideas together or offer both. Just an idea. Look at the link below for materials needed.

The Rowes said...

Sorry to post another comment... maybe we could make a cookie bouquet. I've always wanted to learn how to make them. We could either make sugar cookies and decorate them really pretty or maybe even a chocolate chip cookie one. Here's a link to the chocolate chip one: