Tuesday, January 13, 2009

JanUrAry ProJect GRoup

HaiR Bows!

PLace: The BLanKenShips hOme

TiMe: 7:00p.m.- 9:00p.m.

Please bring a snack item to share. And if you are still working on an unfinished projects that you would like to do instead of the Hair Bows please fill free to bring them. If any of you have a glue gun or lighter please bring it . This will make things go faster.

Additional information- If you still have any leftover felt from last months project... bring it with you and I can show you how to make hair clips with it. Oh, and one more thing... if you have any lose or random buttons lying around bring those too!

Thanks...We hope to see you there! If you have any questions please leave me a comment or email me.

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