Friday, January 30, 2009

And tHe WInneR iS...

PlaCe: MaD pOtteR...

4882 Beechnut @ 610
Houston , TX 77096


TimE: 7:00- 10:00p.m. ( or whenever you are done)

If you have never been before... here is what you need to pay for per person.

1. The PaiNtinG FeE
2. A ceRamic piEcE Of yOur LikinG
3. TaXes.

They have a huge selection of ceramics that you can choose from ranging anywhere from 5.00- 50.00 dollar a piece.

We need to decide on one thing before we go and have fun.

The date... The Date decides how much the painting fee will be. For example if we go to Mad Potter on Monday Feb. 9th the painting fee is FREE, but if we go on our regular day Thurs Feb 12th the painting fee is 6 dollars. The normal Painting fee for an Adult with out a discount is 8 Dollars. So we do get a discount either day that we go. We just need to decide if you want to pay a fee or not. Please leave a comment!!

P.S. If you sign-up for MaD PoTTeRs e-mails there are more coupons off ceramic pieces and painting fees. I would highly recommend it

Happy Weekend to all!!


Kyrsten said...

monday is best for me anyway. that's my vote.

Jalei & Lane said...

Free is always better! Let's do Monday.

The Rowes said...

Monday is fine with me too. We will just have FHE on Sunday. Thanks for the tip on the website. I will have to check it out.

Crystal Stanworth said...

me too!