Tuesday, December 9, 2008

DecEmBeER 11tH

ViNyL SignS

LocAtiOn: WarNers HoMe

TiMe: 8:00 p.M.

Is any one intrested in doing a cookie swap? I was thinking that it might be fun since we bring treats any way. Let me know what you think.

If you are planning to attend please leave a comment so that we can get a head count. On a side note if you have other projects that you are working on and need to finish. Bring them with you! Don't feel you have to make the Vinyl Sign to attend the meeting so please keep that in mind. The more the Merry!

Have a good week.


Hoyt & Makala said...

I really want to come, but I've had a new commitment pop up, and won't be able to attend... bummer! Maybe I can get together with Crystal on another date???

Jalei & Lane said...

I'll be there with cookies!

The Rowes said...

I am coming and will bring some kind of yummy treat. (I have the Elders that night and will try to make sure they don't scarf them all ) :) Oh by the way, I got the keys to the Relief Society closet and now if people want, they can look through the paint and use the sandpaper for their wood boards. See everyone Thursday.

Steve and Cami said...

I'm coming too!

Crystal Stanworth said...

of course, now just so everyone knows, i may be a little late as my dad is in town and we are going out to eat so feel free to get the wood painted and distressed before i get there - but i am coming so don't worry.