Wednesday, November 5, 2008

MaTeRiaLS NeedEd

Christmas Tree Advent Calendar: Height 61 Inches Width 36.5 Inches

3 1/2 yard Any color Green Felt (This is based off a width of a bit over 43 inches of fabric. The yardage could be smaller than the measurements I made above if the width is bigger than mentioned. Please make sure you double check the width and height of the felt before having it cut. This could save you money by doing so. I know that there's a lot of felt but you will be doubling the felt and sewing it together to create a solid tree.)

Different colors of felt or fabric 1/4 yard of each color - ( yellow felt for the star on top.) This is to make the different shapes and pictures for each day.

Shaped Felt- Numbers, letters,and Christmas shapes. You could also have it monogrammed after sewing the calendar together.

Ribbons 1/2yard to a yard- to decorate with. (This is optional)

Measuring Tape - This is for double checking the amount of fabric needed while at the store.

Needle- For hand sewing

1-2 Spools of thread- match it to the colors of felt or fabric that you pick out.

Sewing machine - If you have one


Double edging- to sew a Loop in the back for hanging.

A dowel rod- for added support to hang up the tree. ( We could probably share a big piece and cut it down)

Drill- I will bring one

ThE RectanGle AdvenT CaLendar - Height 43 Inches Width 37.5 inches

2 1/2 yards of any color Felt

All the other need supplies are mentioned in the Christmas tree Advent Calendar.


This project will require a lot of sewing and we will only have two times to meet. Once this month and once in December before Christmas. This Calendar will require you to put additional hours of sewing out side of the group meetings.

If you still want to make the Advent Calendar but don't think you will have the time please ask me for additional ideas or if you would like to do a easier one please let me know ASAP! By Friday the 7th.

You can share much of the need materials above to save on money. And if needs be we can all go shopping for materials before our next meeting. I was thinking this Sat. November 8th in the morning some time.

For Ideas for your Calendars click on- Christmas- Thanksgiving

What are your thoughts? Leave me a comment!


Amber said...

Those both look really cute! I just need to decide which one I want to do. FYI, Joann's is having a sale Nov. 9-15 and has a coupon for 10 percent off your entire purchase, including sale items.

Jalei & Lane said...

Ok I'm really excited about this! How much of it will need to be hand sewn? & when we buy the 1/4 yd colored fabrics, does 1/4 yd just make 1 box or a couple? I just wanted to know how many 1/4 yds I should get.

tHe BrOwn FaMiLy said...

Ok... the hand sewing part is for every box or circle of each day. Attaching them to the background and hand sewing pictures on to the front of them. The Machine sewing will only be for the background unless you can figure out away to have it machine sewn...maybe in rows by the week. 1/4 yards makes a couple of boxes or circles and the Illustrations. but I was thinking of having a verity of colors to be able to make it for each box-circle and their illustrations. 1/4 yards... I think is the smallest amount of fabric that you can have cut. So that is why I suggested that amount. But I could be wrong if you can get the fabric cut smaller then by all means please do. Decide on your lay out what colors you will need with felt or fabric. This will determine how many colors you will need to buy If you are copying the pottery-barn calendars... with their use of colors and illustrations count how many colors you will need or for any easier way don't do the illustrations and just the box or circle of a solid color of felt or a printed fabric... to save time and then put the number of the day on the front of it.
( I will be doing this one.) I also think about when choosing your fabrics and felt... if you want your stockings,tree skirt and home decorations( Holiday) to match the Advent Calendar?
Sorry that was long...I hope that makes sense.

Amber thanks for the heads up.