I got in touch with Kristin who made the banner in the above example about how much fabric is needed and this is what she said,"My triangles are 8.5" across at the top. So if you bought a 1/4 yard, it would be enough if it didn't shrink very much at all (I would probably get 1/3 yd just to be safe!). of course, if you want yours to be a different size, than basically if just needs to be a wide enough piece to cut them out of with an allowance for shrinkage (a couple inches, I would guess)." Hope that helps.
Here are some examlpes of the types of banners that you can make... HaLf CircLe,REcTaNgLE, FLaGs,ChiLd'S NamE- GirL-bOy and a HaPPy BiRthDaY BaNNer.
I am so excited to have our next meeting! We will be getting together again this month to buy fabric or to get started on the banner. I know that the are a lot of vactions planned for July so we will be getting together more this month because of that. Fill free to look off the links above and get start picking out the materials that you will need.
The coolest part about making the banner is the fact that you can reuse it again!
Thanks for all the input and for everyone who attended our first meeting.
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